Female Iberian Ibex. Cód: 0198 (CLOSED PRICE)


Quarter: Batuecas. Duration of the permit: 2 days.
Characteristics to be met by the females:
   - Length of horns less than 11 cm provided that the age is less than 4 years.
   - They have calved after June 10.
   - Females with any symptom of disease or physical defect and finally very old females.
The AWARD PRICE will be considered as TAXABLE BASE, the award price will be increased by 21%VAT.

Included in the starting price is the BASIC PACKAGE of services to the hunter, established by RESOLUTION of December 05, 2017, of the General Directorate of the Natural Environment, which establishes the amount corresponding to the expenses necessary for the control of the exploitation in the Network of Regional Reserves.

The complementary fee is included, in accordance with ORDER FYM/436/2014, of May 19, which regulates the
orderly cynegetic exploitation and the exercise of hunting in the Regional Hunting Reserves of Castilla y León.

The assignment of a hunting permit must be notified in writing to the Technical Directorate, and the successful bidder of the permit must identify the new hunter by full name and ID number, indicating the code and date of the hunting permit assigned at least 10 days before the hunting date. As a general rule, NO exchanges or assignments in favor of a third party other than the purpose of identifying the hunter in whose name the hunting permit will go.


Temporada 2024
Número de lote: 
Hunting date: 
Thursday, 12 September, 2024
Type of hunting: 
Huntable species: 
Initial prize: 
Time left: 

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Closed auction